Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I can't believe that 9 years ago today I became a mom to the most fabulous young man. I love what my friend Jaque does, so I will now tell you 9 wonderful things about my son. I figure one for each year so I don't go on forever.
1. What a sense of humor! Jaden can make me laugh for hours.
2. He loves his sisters. He goes in every night to kiss them goodnight, if he forgets we have two little girls yelling for Jaden. He has no problem going to watch their ballet practices and always tell them how beautiful they looked.
3. He works hard to achieve his goals. In kindergarten he decided he wanted to be a black belt in karate and now he is only three belts away. Way to go!
4. He motivates himself. He didn't like me telling him to hurry to get ready for school so in kindergarten he set his alarm earlier all by himself and has been up and dressed before I get home from the gym every morning.
5. He has a strong sense of right and wrong. He always stands up for what he knows is right.
6.He never complains when I tell him to do a chore or his homework, he always say's " OK mom" (Sometimes, it's a "can I do it in a little bit?)
7. He gives great hugs.
8. He loves to cook and makes a meal anytime I will let him.
9. He loves to cheer for the Cougars and makes game day a lot more fun!
We love you Jaden. We can't wait to see what other amazing things you have in store for us. Happy Birthday.


Bean said...

Happy Birthday Jaden!

Jen said...

Jaden,Happy Birthday! It sounds like you had a fun weekend to celebrate! We all love you!
Aunt Jen (Uncle Karl, David, Kaylee, Julia, and Zachary)

Bean said...

We are having a Halloween/costume part at my house on the 30th at 6:00pm. Please bring something for everyone to snack on. Hope to see you there!

Aaron and Carrie Warnick said...

Wow they grow up so fast! Happy birthday Jayden!

King Family Feb 2007

King Family Feb 2007
Kyla, Jaden, and Ella