Sunday, June 17, 2007

Thank You Dad!

Today is Fathers Day! I want to thank you for every little useless thing you taught me. It's amazing how many of them I've needed since I've been on my own. I remember last summer I had to check and change the oil in the lawnmower (and I knew how to do it!) I now appreciate the wisdom of making my bed every morning when I wake up(It just makes the day go better). Thank you for teaching me to love the outdoors ( I am always trying to find the perfect campsite like we use to camp at). I want my children to have the same wonderful memories that I have (Hopefully they don't wine as much as we did about hiking. That would drive me crazy). You taught me to manage my money wisely and not to spend more then I have. You've taught me to work hard at everything I do and not to settle for less then my best. I couldn't get everything done I need to if you hadn't taught me to finish what I've started. I am so proud to be your daughter. Thank you for the wonderful childhood and the wonderful advice you continue to give me. I love you.

1 comment:

JTA said...

So sweet. I have tears in my eyes. Has he read it yet?

King Family Feb 2007

King Family Feb 2007
Kyla, Jaden, and Ella