We took a trip to New Mexico to visit my family for the 4th of July. Little did we know the explosion that awaited us.
starts complaining that his elbow hurts and he feels like he's getting the flu.
Here's my honey in the hospital after three days with a 105 fever.
This is his arm after being on 3 antibiotics for three days.
Here is Jeremy after surgery where the Orthopedic surgeon removed the bursa from his elbow. He was in the hospital for four days while we were doing this...
This is Jeanine, Beckham, and Ella taking a break from jet skiing at Navajo lake.
Here's Kyla taking a swim in the warm water.
Brian and Jaden relax while others inflate the "rock and roll" torture device.
Ella stays safe and enjoys her Oreo's.
Yeah! I'm glad you started bloging again. We need to get together and do something.
I'm glad Jeremy is better and that you guys had fun!
I have a chat box now. You should get one too! Come check it out.
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