Friday, March 14, 2008


What is your husband's name? Jeremy Richard King

How long have you been together? We've been together 10 years in May

How long did you date? we were engaged in 5 months, married in 11 months.

Who eats more? Jeremy

Who said I love you first? Jeremy

Who is taller? He is a few inches taller.

Who has more speeding tickets? Jeremy

Who is smarter? Depends on what were talking about. He has a better memory for details, though

Who is more sensitive? Jeremy

Who does the laundry? that's all me

Who does the dishes? I always ask, but I'm usually the one who ends up doing them.

Who sleeps on the right? If you are looking at the bed from the foot, I am on the right. That way I'm not next to the door and the scary kids get him in the middle of the night.

Who pays the bills? I do. He wouldn't even know how to get to the online bill pay.

Who mows the lawn? That would be me. I don't mind though. I'm grateful I have a lawn to mow after living in apartments for so long.

Who cooks dinner? Julie, Kathy and I.

Who drives when you are together? Jeremy

Who is more stubborn? We both are

Who is the first to admit when they're wrong? Jeremy. Although it is always accompanied by a "but..."

Who's parents do you see more often? Jeremy's since they only live 2 1/2 hours away.

Who has more siblings? Jeremy has 5 and I have 3

Who wears the pants in the family? Jaden said it best, "Dad is the head of our family, and mom is the boss of him"

Who eats more sweets? Me for sure

Guilty pleasures? Jeremy loves fast food

How did you meet? We carpooled to the Manti temple pagent for a ward activity.

Who asked who out first? I am guessing Jeremy, because I would never ask a guy out first.

Who kissed who first? He kissed me, but he'll tell you it was me who kissed him first.

Who proposed? Jeremy, (a few months after he told me he could never marry me)

Best Feature? His smile and his eyes

personality trait? He will do anything for me and our children. He works hard for us.

Pet names? baby love

Where do I see us in 15 years? We will be here, hopefully some family has moved here by then. Jaden will be home from his mission. Kyla and Ella will be in College. Jeremy and I will be here alone (what will that be like:)

What is my favorite thing about him? He's a great dad and wonderful husband. I melt when he laughs.

I tag Jeanine, Kathleen, and Carrie


Bean said...

I love that picture!

Not quite the Bradys said...

"mom is the boss of him."- Too funny!

King Family Feb 2007

King Family Feb 2007
Kyla, Jaden, and Ella