Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Finally something new to write about.

You'd think from all the blogging that I've done lately the only thing happening in our life is my son's mouth raining teeth. We actually have very busy lives full of fun and exciting things, but it is so fun and exciting and busy that I am very bad at taking pictures, or finding the time to sit and put them all on here. The girls do not have swim lessons this month so that had freed up my Wed afternoon a little, so here is what happened yesterday afternoon.
The girls had their first winter recital of the week at Waterford Retirement center yesterday. They both did a great job. I know Kyla is wearing the same dress as last time but she is dancing to 'O Holy Night" for Christmas. It is beautiful. Ella's class is dancing to "We are Santa's Elves" from Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. Ella actually did the dance. The teacher put her in the front row and she did amazing. Kyla also did great. At one point in the dance they front row and the back row had to switch places and then switch back. The little girl standing next to Kyla moved back but forgot to move forward. Kyla spent the second half of the dance scowling and trying to motion her to move up, but she didn't miss a step. It cracked me up. She has to control every situation, sounds like someone else I know! I reminded her it's more important to smile and just keep dancing, then to scowl and point. We'll see Saturday if she listened to anything I said.


Dr. Who said...

Where's the video, Mom? We want to see our Dancers in action!

Anja said...

Your kids look beautiful! It sounds like they had fun!

Amber said...

Oh my goodness they are so cute!! I bet they are the best dancers in the class. What fun to have girls.

King Family Feb 2007

King Family Feb 2007
Kyla, Jaden, and Ella