Monday, December 14, 2009

Happy Happy Birthday Ella Dear!

I cannot believe my baby is 5 years old. It has been 5 years of pure joy. Here are 5 things we love about Ella.
1. That smile! Need I say more.
2. She is genuinely excited about everything we do. She fills our house with happiness everyday.
3. She says the darndest things. " I WILL kiss frogs" Mom: "Who gave you that attitude", "Jesus gave it to me!"
4. She knows what she wants, always. Sometimes it's a pain, but I know in the long run it will serve her well.
5. She loves her Family and is always free with the hugs and kisses.
Please share your favorite memories of Ella.


Jen said...

HaPpY BiRtHdAy Ella! I love you!
Aunt Jen

Sidney Martinez said...

I can't wait to give you a big Birthday HUG!
Grandpa Welling

King Family Feb 2007

King Family Feb 2007
Kyla, Jaden, and Ella