Wednesday, July 9, 2008

My Hero!

This little man saved me today. I was in my room folding clothes when all the sudden I hear utter chaos erupting from the living room. I start walking around the corner when I hear Jaden yell, "Mom, Mya's chewing on a big dead rat." Oh my goodness! I don't do rats. I immediately froze where I was. The boys shewed Mya away from her prize. Ella is screaming because she doesn't want to walk by it, Kyla has run into her room and slammed the door, and I am frozen in place in fear. I asked Jaden if he could clean it up, thinking he'd say no way, that's gross. But he just said , "sure mom!" and him and his friends disposed of the rat properly. I don't know what I would have done without them. I propably would still be shaking in the hallway. What a man!


Jill said...

What a guy! Tell Jaden I'll call on him if I ever find myself in a similar predicament.

Aaron and Carrie Warnick said...

Awe what a great lil' man! I hate rodents and spiders I wouldn't have handled that well. I am glad he was home to help you out!

King Family Feb 2007

King Family Feb 2007
Kyla, Jaden, and Ella