Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

I hope everyone was able to have an amazing 4th of July. We had an extremely busy, but fun day. We started off at the Flag raising pancake breakfast that our ward does every year. Thanks activities committee for a great breakfast. What a way to start the day. The kids had a great time running around playing with their friends, and each other. Afterwards we went to Emmigrant lake water slides with our friends the Skabelands for Ethan's birthday. We all had a blast. Ella loved going "superfast" down the slides and challenged everyone to a race. Jaden and Kyla had a great time too. Kyla loved being independent enough to go down the slides by herself with a life jacket on. They grow up so fast. The only time I would see her was if we happened to be standing in line together.

After we went home and took naps so we could party all night long we went back to the Skabelands for a BBQ and fireworks (and more water sliding).
Happy Birthday Ethan. We love you and were so glad that we could spend your birthday with you. I can't believe you are seven already. Have fun playing with all your goodies.
Carrie and I had a great time trying to photograph the fireworks. Some were successful, some not so much.

Boy do boys love to blow things up. We had a 4 hour continuous fireworks display last night in the Skabelands driveway. It was amazing. Once Ella got over the loud noise we all had a great time owing and awing!

It's funny what things you capture on the firework setting. This one looks like flames are shooting out of Jeremy's stomach. I promise no husbands were harmed in the taking of this picture.


Bean said...

Thank you so much for everything! We had so much fun with you guys!

Anja said...

That was a fun night!

Aaron and Carrie Warnick said...

It was so much fun hanging out with you! I miss Hanging out all the time! IT was great! It was such a great day with alot of fun things. Thanks for helping it to feel special for me. I will have to send you that pic of jeremy. actually caught a few silly ones. See you again soon Hopefully!

King Family Feb 2007

King Family Feb 2007
Kyla, Jaden, and Ella