Monday, September 8, 2008

The First Day of School!

Wow! I can't believe that another school year has started. I can't believe my baby is starting third grade. I can't believe he is going to be nine next month. It seems like just yesterday I was changing diapers and pushing him in a stroller, now he's in charge of walking his little sister home from school. I can't believe how time flies. Today it's making me a little sad how fast it's gone. Jaden started school last week. He had a really hard first day. He came home miserable and it broke my heart. He has this problem every year and I don't know how to fix it. I like being able to fix things and this problem is too hard for me, but after a lot of prayers alone and with him he had a great (or at least better) rest of the week. I think he will have a great school year. He seems to have a great teacher and he has great friends. I am so grateful for the knowledge I have that Heavenly Father loves my child and is with him or I could never send him away from me.
Miss Kyla started her first day of Kindergarten today even though she's been acting likes she's been in school for the last year. She was so excited. I had to slow her down because she was going to sprint the whole mile to school and Ella and I couldn't keep up. I know that she is going to have a great year. She loves to learn and meet new people and try new things. She is ready for this. Sitting here writing this is making me sad. I was also so excited for her to go to school. I needed a little down time from the constant energy, but the house is really quite without her here. Something is missing. I prayed the whole time we were walking to school that nothing would happen to dampen her enthusiasm or lessen her self confidence. I know she is strong and resilient and smart, but people can still be cruel. Then I have to remind myself she's in Kindergarten not college, how mean can kindergartners really be. It looks like she has a really nice class and great teachers. She will love it. I know I will eventually love the sound of silence.

I love you kiddo's. Have a great year!


Kay said...

I must be a bit emotional today, because you took me back 15 years and my last little guy starting Kindergarten. Now the house is really quiet!!

With her self confidence....Kindergarten and College will be the same!! She'll do fabulous!

brownie109 said...

Hey! This is Melissa (your cousin Brent's wife). I didn't realize our kids were so close in age, I have a 3rd grader and a kindergartner too! It's been fun to read your blog!

King Family Feb 2007

King Family Feb 2007
Kyla, Jaden, and Ella