Monday, September 8, 2008

Jaden's Weekend Out!

We drove to Seattle this weekend, for our annual Mom and Dad and Jaden trip. Why Seattle you ask? Well BYU was playing the Huskies and it is closer then driving to Provo. We had a great time and the game was amazing, well at least the end was. After getting up to Seattle on Fri night at about 9:30 we went straight to bed. We had a great night sleep, woke up a 7 on the dot without an alarm clock. We decided to spend the morning at Pike's Market. We got to watch them throw fish and Jaden got some monster dark green pudding chocolate thingy (It was only 9 am, but we were on vacation!) After shopping and walking around for awhile we decided to head on over to the stadium. After our false start, Jeremy put our BYU car flag up in the back window then started the car. He promptly felt hot so he rolled down the window, needless to say I was the one dodging traffic in downtown Seattle trying to retrieve our flag from the middle of the road. But don't worry, mission accomplished and nothing and no one got injured in the rescue attempt. After driving to the stadium and then driving for another hour trying to find some place miles from the stadium to park we were ready to get down to business. I have to admit I wasn't so excited about being the visiting team, we had a long way to walk back to our car if we lost. I was very impressed with the BYU turnout. The game was very exciting for those of you who missed it. Washington made a touchdown with 2 seconds remaining on the clock. All they had to do was make the extra point and the game would go into overtime. Well after the touchdown they got a penalty for excessive celebration which moved them back 15 yards. We were able to block the kick and won the game. It was amazing to be there. The BYU fans went wild. You can tell by the look on Jaden's face. It was fun going to an away game. I think we decided to do every other year at an away game so the we can visit some new places. After the game we went to dinner at the...

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King Family Feb 2007

King Family Feb 2007
Kyla, Jaden, and Ella