Sunday, July 25, 2010

King Family Dental Rafts the Rogue

So one river adventure in a weekend was not enough for us, so on Sat. we lathered on the sun screen and went rafting with Jeremy's office staff and their families. What an adventure! 19 of us piled into three rafts and set off down the Rogue. No river rafting trip would be complete without an arsenal of squirt guns and 10 year old boys. I think they spent more time out of the raft then in. We practiced with the girls using their hat brims to block the spray in their eyes. You will notice in the photos they look like secret service agents. Kyla really got into the spirit of the adventure, but Ella spent more time huddling in the back of the raft and yelling for the raft hopping boys to get off of her. Overall a great time was had by all. We are very grateful to have such wonderful people to work and play with. What a blessing!
I have to admit though that I was very sore last night from all the rowing and firing of the water cannon. What a workout, much more fun then running 7 miles though.

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King Family Feb 2007

King Family Feb 2007
Kyla, Jaden, and Ella