Friday, July 30, 2010

When it rains, it poors!

What a month we've been having. It ended just as well as it started. On Thursday morning at 7 am sharp our alarm went off like it does every morning. Jeremy hops out of bed to turn it off, when all of the sudden I hear ," OH MY GOSH, I think we're flooding!". He opens the bathroom door and I hear a waterfall. I jump up and immediately feel the drenched carpet under my feet. Squishy, soaking,and nasty. Jeremy turns the water off under the bathroom sink. I immediately run to the garage and grab our tiny carpet shampooer and start extracting the water. Jeremy throws on some clothes and runs to his office to grab his rug doctor. I get the kids up. Kyla starts mopping the bathroom and Jaden starts lugging the food storage out from under our bed. Ella is picking all the odds and ends off the floor. It was a mess, but it was also kind of fun having a project that we were all working on together. No one was angry or fighting, just concentrating on the job at hand. Jeremy had to leave to see a patient so the kids all took turns running the extractor. Jeremy took the rest of the day off and came home to help rip out the carpet and pad and move all the furniture to other rooms. Our friend Josh came over who works for RBS and brought his fans and giant dehydrator for the bedroom and hallway. He measured the moisture up the walls and said it had wicked 6 in. up the drywall. Luckily he believes that it will dry in a couple of days and we won't have to do any drywall work. Meanwhile all our furniture is divied up in the kids room and we are sleeping in the living room. I am so glad that through this all everyone had such a positive attitude and was so willing to help. It could have been a disaster, but instead turned into an adventure.

Sorry, the pictures are backwards. I'm to lazy to fix it.

1 comment:

Savannah said...

BUMMER! I'm so so sorry! I hope it all turns out okay! Let me know if I can help!

King Family Feb 2007

King Family Feb 2007
Kyla, Jaden, and Ella